Charlottesville Entrepreneurs and Espresso will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 20, 2015. The format of C-E2 will consist of networking over coffee, a pitch from RelishMBA with time for Q&A, and a "School of Hard Knocks" session with Debra K. McMahon, PhD. The Early Stage Company Pitch will spotlight one start-up each month. The School of Hard Knocks session will get in the trenches with a successful entrepreneur who will share first-hand experiences and perhaps some outlandish secrets, so other entrepreneurs may discover valuable lessons learned.
Debra K. McMahon, PhD
DEBRA K. MCMAHON, PhD is President and CEO of Scitent, Inc., setting the strategic vision for Scitent’s business and technology services. Deb applies more than 20 years in education to help organizations develop their eLearning business. Deb is active in the Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions (ACEHP) where she currently serves as a member of the Membership Committee.
RelishMBA started at the Darden School of Business, where Sarah and Zach (the cofounders) spent their first year experiencing firsthand the frustrations and inefficiencies of the MBA recruiting process: a firehose of opportunities with companies around the world, but little time to effectively explore, target, and pursue more than a fraction of the available positions. With a decade of experience in technology platforms and strong feedback from dozens of interviews with students and recruiters, they decided to launch a small pilot program to test the viability of a customized MBA recruiting platform.