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March 2018

  • i.Lab at UVA 621 Nash Drive Charlottesville, VA, 22901 United States (map)

The schedule will include networking over coffee, a pitch from Spencer Phillips, phD of Key Log Economics and lessons learned with Craig Redinger. 

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Craig T. Redinger practiced international mergers and acquisitions law, recently retiring as partner-in-charge of the German practice at the global law firm, Norton Rose Fulbright in Munich, Germany.  His expertise extends beyond the M&A arena to include corporate restructuring, fund development, private placement and project financing activities across a wide spectrum of industry sectors: pharmaceuticals, machine tools, automotive, natural resources, etc.  His clientele has included global firms, international lending institutions, internationally active family owned businesses, governmental agencies, and foundations.  He joined a few others upon retirement to found the Charlottesville Angel Network, a group of investors who are providing capital and mentoring to start-ups.  He has lectured on various topics related to his experience in the international area at UVA, Duke, University of Richmond, University of Madrid, among others.  He is president of the local Boy Scout Council, and is head coach of the Western Albemarle High School crew team, reflecting his life-long passion for sculling.

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Key-Log Economics is an employee-owned consultancy that helps people, organizations and communities realize–that is, both understand and attain–the benefits of land conservation and environmental stewardship. They develop solid information about critical connections between human and natural communities. They communicate that information in strategic policy and public education efforts. And they use the insights they gain from research to design and implement individual projects, broader programs, and land stewardship plans that make and maintain positive ecological-economic  relationships.

Earlier Event: February 20
February 2018
Later Event: April 17
April 2018