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June 2017

  • Inn at Darden General Purpose Room (map)

LOCATION CHANGE: CE2 will take place in the Inn at Darden's General Purpose Room located right next door to the i.Lab. Parking is still in D5, and signs will be posted directing attendees.  

The schedule will include networking over coffee, a pitch from an Totem and lessons learned from Susie Matheson from The Scout Guide


Totem's software tools and related services transform how organizations engage their networks through events management, fundraising, volunteer organizing, and social networking. 



Where are you from?
Omaha, NE

Why did you start TSG?
I wanted to promote people in my community and connect people together. I think that we feel fulfilled when we support others.

What’s on your desk?
Current coffee, yesterdays coffee that I need to throw away, The Scout Guide from various cities, my husband’s current spread for TSG Charlottesville, Vol.8 (I would like to make some changes but he won’t let me).

Words to live by?
The golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Favorite vacation destination?
I am the most relaxed when I am home on the weekends. With three kids and way too many animals and work I don’t get away very often, so I make my home my favorite vacation destination. Someday I hope to do a bit more traveling. 

Favorite movie?
Love Actually.

What’s in your bag?
Pure Barre Socks, a thank you note from a friend, heart shaped sunglasses, a hair clip, chapstick, sunblock, and cigarettes.

Best part about coming to work?
The DOGS! And the people too—I love the ladies that I work with everyday. 

What’s your TSG obsession?
 I am OBSESSED with Stephanie Revennaugh, who is featured in TSG Equestrian.

Earlier Event: May 16
May 2017
Later Event: July 18
July 2017